Saturday, February 17, 2007

A riot of bougainvillea

Can you believe it? This picture was taken about 15 feet from our front door, right in our front yard. It's mostly a mix of three different colors of bougainvillea, with just an occasional scarlet hint from the flowers of an anonymous wild vine that intermingles delightfully with the bougainvillea and kei-apple hedge behind.

And here's a view of Wanale mountain with a rain shower partly obscuring the northeastern end. I took this shot standing right outside our front gate.


Our boys do fairly well keeping a positive attitude toward school (thanks in no small part, I'm sure, to the excellence of the teachers we have!)...but what they really live for is playing. Playing before, after, and even (when they can get away with it) during, school. They have typical boyish proclivities in their choice of how and with what to play. Other boys. Sticks. Knives and machetes. Tools. Fire. Rocks. Dirt. You get the picture.

For several weeks our boys are celebrating having an extra friend to hang out with -- Jeremy Varno, whose dad (and family) are here in Mbale to oversee some construction work for MTI and GNPI (Good News Productions International). Nathanael and Jeremy are nearly inseparable, making the most of every opportunity to do stuff together.

Jonathan puffing on a fire the boys tried to get going outside our gate...

....Nathanael in red and Jeremy in blue